Radio activities since 1992 ex/LB8XD

I got my license in 1992. Initially, I was allowed to send CW and 15 watts. My old signature was LB8XD. The same year I upgraded my license to the LA license where I got the opportunity to send in all modes and up to 1KW.

Today I have the opportunity to send from two different locations and my main QTH is in Sarpsborg where today I send with my vertical antenna and 100 Watts and can choose between 2 tranceivers Yaesu FT710 and Kenwood TS870.

From my QTH No. 2 in the mountains I use a Yaesu 450D with Ameritron PA 811H. My antenna solution is: Yagi antenna 3 El. 10-15-20 mtr. and 2 El. Yagi antenna for 12 and 17 mtr. Dipole antenna for 40 – 80 and 160 mtr. My project for 2024 is to upgrade the station to remote transmission.

Have fun!!! 73 de Hernan / LA6GIA